Sales drive your business's engine

Is your copy focused on the benefits of your product or service? Do you make it easy or hard for someone to make a purchase? How clear do you make the results or outcomes they can expect?

Copywriting doesn't have to be complex, but it impacts purchase decisions people make.

Each touchpoint you make with your ideal customers is important, but the conversion copy (sales page, email campaigns, product descriptions, checkout pages) can supercharge your growth with just minimal changes.

Let's prime your business for high-level growth 🚀

Hi, I'm Max (they/he)

I'm a Messaging & Copy Magician. That means I help mission-driven organizations grow by crafting marketing strategies that are rooted in shared values, purpose, and a vision of what's possible. I believe marketing can make people feel seen, not sold to. And your message is the key to connection and inspiring clients to action.

Before your session...

Please fill out the form to allow me to review your marketing message and send you feedback.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my appointment?

This is an ON-DEMAND session. Meaning after I receive your intake information, I will record a video of my feedback with opportunities and action steps to improve your sales copy sent to your email within three business days.

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

I cannot refund my time and therefore once I have sent the video it is non-refundable. If you're unsatisfied, let me know and we can work toward a happy conclusion that benefits everyone.

Can I purchase this package more than once?

You can if you have an additional organization for me to review, but I also have my Messaging Audit if you want me to take a look at your overall online presence such as your homepage/website and social media platforms. There's also a 90-minute Content Quickstart if you want to develop a strategic plan for your content alongside you.